Saturday night the First Annual Southeast BVIers Party took place in the suburbs of Atlanta at Don Cornelius' clubhouse in Cavallon Creek subdivision.<br>Attending were Don and Alecia (Capt_DC)<br>Paul & Cyndi Brennesholtz<br>Fred & Barbara Slover<br>Steve and Kaye McIntosh<br>Nan Day (Nansea)<br>Lew & Laine English<br>Bob Garvery & Lorraine (Nan's captain and friend)<br>Bill Hartzman & Di Rumsey<br>Julie Wahman (Di's daughter) and Glenn Greene (Julie's date)<br><br>Don had the clubhouse decorated with BVI charts, sailing boat models, palm trees and troplically flavored decorations to set the mood. Bill & Di arrived with the main course dinner,<br>chicken and port roast, some flags and the music "boombox" for everyone's CDs. Nan brought islandy table decorations, platters and accessories to set the mood.. and with that the party started!<br>People filtered in from SC and TN.. as well as surrounding areas of GA and by 5pm we had a partying group imbibing in their favorite grog and painkillers compliments of Fred & Barbara. Lots of side dishes and desserts were the order of the day and we had lots of photo albums from each couple to peruse and compare to our own. <br>By late afternoon, all the itinerary questions of the world were solved as well as recommendations of what to eat, provision and generally do anything in the BVI. <br>We even discussed you TTOL folks.. were your ears burning??<br>Bottom line: The party was a huge success even thought we didn't have a huge crowd. It was damn near perfect in the thoughts of those attending. We did have a few scheduling problems for a few people and a few that contacted us too late to make plans to attend. <br>Chances are good for a reprise of this event after the first of the year. As long as it works as well as this one, why stop??<br>If you're within "shoutin" distance of us, please make yourself known and plan to join us next time. It's great fun to put faces with TTOL names and enjoy the exchange of ideas, friendship and companionship of others who share your love for the BVI.<br>Thanks to all who attended and please.. come back next time too.<br><br>