A lot of people have expressed concern about us, not that we are really any different than millions of Floridians tonight, but thought we would post a note regarding our status.
We got all our windows boarded up today, we're pretty much ready, although a couple more small things to do. We are not in any danger from rising water, or water at all, unless we lose a roof, which hopefully won't happen. We have plenty of food and water, charcoal, gas in the car, money, phones charged, ice, etc. We are in Polk County, in the center of the state, so we won't get a direct hit here, although the latest guidance shows the closest point of approach at about 60 miles, around 2 AM Monday. Selfishly, we hope she slows down so that we can at least enjoy a couple of football games tomorrow before the electric goes out and real life, post Irma, sets in. I have some serious junk food set up to eat watching the games tomorrow, hoping we still have electric through at least the early games.
We are in the middle of nowhere and all electric lines are above ground, so we very much think we WILL lose electric and expect that it may be out for quite some time afterward, as the power outages in Florida are expected to be massive. We do NOT have generator, as our generator would not start. Perhaps we can get it fixed after the storm passes, but I don't know on that.
I honestly don't think we are in any PHYSICAL danger at all, although I am not looking forward to being without power.
We will try to keep JD (ruralcarrier) updated on our status, so if you haven't heard from us, try to contact him.
The servers are NOT here, they are in Virginia, so they should not be affected at all.
So, TAKE CARE, all our fellow Floridians, and anyone else still in this b*tch's path. Stuff can be replaced. People can't.. Florida shall prevail..