Eric,<br><br>By the time you finish reading this post, hope I haven't totally bugged ya out This is my ugly story.<br><br>I have been on travel talk for some time now, (actually met some TTOL'ers (Debby C. and a few others ) during a visit a few years ago to the BVI. but hadn't posted for a while. <br><br>Consequently, when I was going to post a message about my trip to the BVI last October, I ran into a roadblock. <br><br>Couldn't remember my userame or my password (to make matters worse, I just had them e-mailed to me recently, but, while cleaning out my mailbox mistakenly deleted the e-mail.)
![[Linked Image]](/images/icons2/frown.gif)
<br><br>I just came back from the BVI on Feb. 19th and wanted to post my trip report (which is too long and needs to be condensed but I'm working on that
![[Linked Image]](/images/icons2/groovin.gif)
.<br><br>Anywho, to make a too long story shorter, I need to be reminded of my username and am trying to figure out how to do an url or something so you guys can read my trip report (trust me, it's worth it - I had an amazing time). <br><br>Amateur that I am (can you tell?) I am planning to put my trip pics on Webshots. <br><br>I promise I'll do better in July when I return from my three-week trip to the BVI. <br><br>Thanks much,<br><br>nightqueen (or at least that's the username I'm using at the moment.