Eleven of us did 10 days in the USVI and BVI aboard CYOA's Helia 44, Glad In It.
My wife and I, 2 kids and their spouses, the 4 grandkids, and my sister. Whew! Full boat!
Had a great time!
Thanks to my good friend Tim Lynn (Last Mango) for printing our shirts, coozies, and flags!
Here it is in pictures, a few at a time...
Maryland Pirates Logo
![[Linked Image]](http://www.hunt101.com/data/500/thumbs/A0000_md_pirates.jpg)
A snap of St. Thomas Harbor on the way to Margaritaville
Just arrived at the airport
My oldest grandson is as real parrot-head!
The whole crew at CYOA's dock on the bow of Glad In It.
Everybody had a pirate name.
Mine was "Captain Ship for Brains"
Relaxing in the pool at Margaritaville
Rugrats on the cabin-top on the sail to St. John
My sister and Son In Law, proudly wearing their shirts
First stop and a well earned greenie at Maho Bay, STJ.
![[Linked Image]](http://www.hunt101.com/data/500/thumbs/A04_IMG_0524.JPG)
lots more to come...