These are some pictures from our first land based trip to SXM, in February 1995. We stayed at Green Cay Villas, #9. I have some pictures of Green Cay itself, I think, but I figured this pictures of Orient would be of more interest to folks here. These are taken from the unit at Green Cay
I'm not sure where this was, but I think it was on road above Green Cay
![[Linked Image]](
I wish I had bought some of that land for sale, don't you???
This is Green Key
One day we headed over to Grand Case for the lunch and ended up at Surf Club South. There was a paper plate stapled to a tree that said "Sunset cruise-see bartender". We said, sure, why not? So in short order we gave the bartender $30 as a deposit on the cruise
(The other writing on the receipt is Eric's, so we would remember the name of the boat and the captain.) The bartender said, just show up at 6 or whatever time, on the short pier! We thought at the time that we had thrown away more than $30 on several occasions before, so what the heck? So, we showed up at the appointed time and no one was there. Eventually the captain showed up and asked us what we liked to drink. So, we said Bacardi and Tanqueray! (Same answer today!! <img src="" alt="" /> So, he said he'd be back in a few minutes, and went to a little grocery store there in Grand Case to buy our liquor! It turned out that it was just the two of us on that sunset cruise and it was wonderful! I took the camera along, but since we were serving ourselves, the rest of the pictures are really blurry after we got on the boat!! <img src="" alt="" />
I honestly don't remember what Surf Club looked like from the ocean side, so I don't know if these pictures are of Surf Club, or just of the pier where the dinghy left from.
That was one of our best memories of all our trips to SXM, that sunset cruise!