Ok, here goes. I had a few spare minutes, so I thought I would give it a go. May have to finish another day, but off the top of my head, here is what I have.<br>Thursday, April 18th<br>6am flight from Montreal on AA with a connection in Miami was uneventful except for the fact that by the time we landed in SXM we were STARVING!!!. Got car, checked in to La Plantation and went down to Waikiki for a bit to eat, then back to room, nap and out to Le California for dinner and an early night.<br><br>Friday had brekky and headed for Orient. Weather was overcast but it was still nice to be there. Later went home to nap and get ready for the Calmos party. What a turn out! Was great to put faces to names. Was able to spot Frenchy right away, bought one of her paintings. Closed Calmo's and went home.<br><br>Pretty much every day was: get up, eat brekky (included at La Plantation) off to Orient. Ate at Baywatch 2x, Pedros 1x and brought our lunch the rest of the week, made from baguettes and ham and cheese offered at brekky <br>
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(thanks for the idea Bev). We did visit the zoo one day and after I just had to bring Lisa (Esta) to see PBurgh. Walked around a bit then home, nap....<br><br>Ate at Il Nettuno and were treated to a great fireworks display!<br>Great vantage point from our table and great fun ( although I think some of the neighborhood pets were a little alarmed, run doggy, run)
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And we happened to enjoy the "Elvis" guitar player/singer, cheesy but fun none the less. Even more cheesy was Esta singing along with him
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Like I said, great fun.<br><br>Next day, up, brekky, Orient. Dinner with Contessa, GG, Deb and Paul at Bistro Caraibes. What a hoot!<br><br>Next day up, brekky........ Then piled into Paul and Deb's car to head to the PLP party. Talk about gut wrenching laughter
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Great meeting everybody, and I know I missed quite a few! So many TTOLers, so little time. Then off to Banana's. Now I remember lots of flash bulbs going off there, so come on people, what are you all waiting for to post them pictures. After leaving Banana's, we were all enjoying each others company so much, we decided to stop closer to home for a night cap. We actualy brought Contessa somewhere she had never been before on SXM
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Although it may have been a bit of a dive, we managed to just enjoy the company and keep the laughs coming (more napkins Phyl?)
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Sleep sure came easy that night.<br><br>The next day we looked around the Marigot market for awhile then headed to Baie Rouge for the rest of the morning and lunch. Deb and Paul met us there and we proceded to have lunch at Raymond's. Great food but what the heck is in those drinks
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I felt like I had been hit by a Mack truck! We left then and headed back to Orient to meet the rest of the crew.<br>Had dinner that night at the Repaire du Pirate. OH MY GOD. This is an experience that is not to be missed. The food was great and Marcel the owner is such a hoot. Hopefuly Paul will post some of the colorful picture he took of us all there.And oh yes, the bathroom IS quite special. And the food is cheap too. This place is on my "to do" list for all future visits.<br><br>Well now is the sad part
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the day we leave. All went smoothely in SXM airport, even with them hand searching everybody. The nightmare came in Miami when we had to wait 2hrs in line at immigration
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We just barely made it to our luggage when a handler to us to just run for our gate, with our luggage, to another terminal!!!! Made it there only to be hand searched again, where they confiscated a swiss army knife my brother had given me. When I inquired how I could retrieve it, they said oh no, you can't do that, you should know better than try to get on a plane with it. Well I did know better,thats why it was in my luggage to be CHECKED! I never had any intention of getting on the plane with this suitcase and wouldnt be if it wasnt for the all the $^%@*&(*%* going on back at immigration!<br><br>Oh well, live and learn.<br><br>Counting the days until I can return and meet new TTOLers<br><br>Danielle<br>