From my comments you will note I am easily amused when on vaca
Another glorious Orient day, again not crowded
Lavender pattern am, purple pm
Chez Leandra�s for chicken curry, more like a chicken stew with curry broth � excellent
In Petit Casino bought local lettuce this week packed in a clamshell � Soualiga Farms in Colombier - Lovely, so clean guessing hydroponics
Three more parachutists today � late morning, dropped sort of over Green Cay, all went to Mt Vernon beach area
Randoms � bought cheese at Marigot Super u Friday � comte and morbier, excellent. Store was packed, 9 checkouts and 3 self service � who knew shopping as a contact sport!
Beach great, not busy
The Tiko Tiko sailing tender was sailing around in the afternoon nice little clinker built dinghy with some sort of lug sail
Pirates for late day snack � shared the lobster wrap - excellent. Maurice mentioned Olivier from Orange Fever is at Tropical Wave while Pat is away for medial treatment
Pedro�s has live music Sunday � or at least a singer
Purple was the col of the day � 1st chink showing � the top did not match a blue shade, a tremor in the Force Luc!
Looked like one parachutist around 3pm
Rant for the day � way more beach floppers this yr, just plunk a towel in front of loungers, immediate attitude if asked to move along � either to the beach bar attendant or those in loungers
Talked to a young couple on their honeymoon, 1st wk at Divi, renting balance of stay in Oyster Pond. Said they loved Baie Rouge, Mullet not so much � crowed and a little dirty was their comment