Friday 5/21.….Day 8. Up early, baguette and chocolate croissant from Le Succiere. Made sandwiches and snacks and headed to Pinel. Took the 11:00 ferry and rented chairs with the tan umbrella, Up on the Keys?? It was $15 for two chairs and an umbrella, and two drinks; I had a cyclone, SIL had a Watermelon Slice. Exchange was one for one. Did a little shopping and returned home on the 3:30 ferry. Pinel is a nice beach, calm water. It was a beautiful beach day. Back to the unit for homemade chicken parmesan and packing up to move to our own unit in the morning.
Saturday 5/22.…Day 9. Moving day. Painless move into our own unit. View is nicer, fridge is nicer. Did laundry and took a swim. Lunch in and then off to Rima’s for some gifts. Stopped at Grande Marche for some groceries…by the way, Pelican advertises they will cash travelers checks, but found out today they won’t cash them on weekends. Met a man named Kim from Colorado at the grocery store; decided to split a case of beer with him and then gave him a ride back to Divi Resort. One litre of Absolut $10. Applewood (Jamaican rum) $7.80, Black Velvet $8.00. Bought some great boxes of 100% juice--mixed well with vodka! Out on the balcony for drinks before dinner. Off to BBB for burgers and carib. Back for a night swim in the “D” pool.
Sunday 5/23.….Day 10. Big breakfast of pancakes and bacon in the unit. Swim in the “A” pool, baguette from Bon Appetit to make chicken salad sandwiches in the room. Took a ride and got some gas at the Shell station. $20 for 17.8 litres, then off to the Driftwood Bar to plane watch Lots of planes taking off over the beach today. Met a couple staying at Maho for a wedding. Back to Pelican for a swim in the “D” pool. Met up with some of the folks we normally see every year, Alan and Irene, Al and Shirley not here this year due to an injury. Out to Skipjacks for a benefit for Jenny (some battling cancer that used to live here?).
Monday 5/24.…Day 11. Up too early, breakfast in the unit. Trip to the bakery for the baguette and drove over to Mullet Beach. Another beautiful day of sun and sand. Packed our lunch and just chilled on the beach for the day. There were a lot of locals there today. Also ran into that guy Kim....interesting fellow! Left around 3 and headed to Pelican for the Manager’s Party. Met our concierge who I must say is the worst ever. We’ve been here 11 days and have heard nothing from this guy I’ll call “G.” No list of activities for the week, if you need to contact him, you have to call the concierge’s office and they transfer you to him. Never saw him in person. His excuse to me for not contacting us was that he was just too busy…..lame excuse if you ask me. What are we paying these people for anyway??? We exchanged a few “words” at the party where I told him I was unhappy with his lack of customer service. I miss Sylvia and Brenda--bring them back instead of sticking them in an office to answer the phones. They would do anything for you at any time and couldn’t be more pleasant. Send “G” back to Royal Resorts in Cancun for some customer service training. Cooking in tonite, some nice porterhouse steaks on the grill and watching 24 series finale….fat, full and happy!! Only a few days left.....