
I felt the need to make the same post again as I'm still looking for a medium term charter anywhere in the Caribbean May - July 2017, including the USVI or BVIs.

I am looking for a roughly 40 - 47 foot sailing cat, with genset and A/C for 6 - 12 weeks sometime in May - July 2017 for 3 aboard (me, wife and young son).

I am a 52 yo "semi-retired" business operator/professional/exec with over 30 years of sailing experience including open ocean deliveries, open ocean racing, and many charters as both captain or guest. Given the time aboard, I'd require an extended cruising range which would generally mean at least able to run to St Martin, St Croix, and/or Spanish Virgins (and, consequently the ability to sail at night for a passing or 2).

I'd be looking for a significant discount to what would otherwise be normal weekly charter rates (or, would also be interested in an owned boat outside of a charter fleet).

