Trip Report Cat Fight 2009
Arrived at EWR at 0615,Tuesday, only to be faced with about 200 folks in the TSA security line. Fortunately the Admiral had the foresight to schlep along her crutch as her sprained ankle has been slow to heal (yeah, the one she got when she kicked me in the butt for the 20 yard dumpster anniversary gift). TSA folks saw her and waived us to the front of line and right on through. Down to the gate and “front of the bus” seats to SJU courtesy of Continental. Push away at 0730 and arrive SJU 1130. Down to Cape Air, “would you mind if we put you both on the 11:40?”. Upstairs at Pump Room by 12:45, tickets in hand for the 1:30 ferry (next available was 4:15). Cleared customs at West End by 2:30 . One of the fastest trips down we have EVER had.
Off to CGB to meet up with CaptJim and Blue Moon. Stopped off to see Marcia on the beach and get my beard braided (always #1 stop), then a bit of limin’ on the porch at Rhymers. Wander up to see Elsie and Chris Rymer by the dinghy dock. Only signs of life at Quito’s is some hammering inside. Quick peek in the window, place is pretty lonely looking.
See Mal and Candace and they come over and visit with us and Capt Jim. Got aboard Blue Moon and settled in for the night.
Quick trip to Bobbys in the morning for some provisions, and load aboard Myrt’s supplies and off we head to Anegada. Motorsailing was the only way to go, very light winds. Anchor just off Whispering Pines and off for a swim. We see a dinghy pulling out of Neptune’s that arrives alongside us shortly after. Tom Garvey, Saildoggie and GlennA pull up for a visit. “Had to meet the woman who puts up with this kid” says GlennA to my wife! Tony and Chris from Utopia stop by a bit later to say hello. Dinner at Potters that evening, the first Annual TTOL Anegada Pool Tournament takes place. Tony is whooping my butt, but he meets his match in a young lady, who I initially thought was a “ringer”, but was just a fair player with a fine method (or methods) of distracting the opponent. The crew from Sanctuary came in and join the crews from Utopia and Blue Moon and before we knew it, a lot of other folks had appeared and Potters was actually rocking. Not bad for late October.
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Spent Thursday at Cow Wreck. Met Andy(new to TTOL) who has moved to the island with his wife who is the new nurse at the Anegada clinic. Met Derek (don’t remember his TTOL name,it may even BE Derek) and also GAGirl all hanging at the bar. Alex and Belle were pleased to see a decent size crowd too.
Tried out Neptune’s new wireless internet , courtesy of GlennA. We were anchored off Whispering Pines and I was in the forward port cabin and had blazing speeds on the connection. Thanks Glenn.
Friday morning, motor to White Bay. Not a wisp of wind. Hypnautic had been motoring along off to port and we noticed she now seemed off course and dead in the water. CaptJim hailed them on the VHF to check on them. “Stopping for a swim, too hot”. Couldn’t blame them! Get into to White Bay and make the rounds, visiting with Seddy and Raquel and Mic. Off to Great Harbour for the night and pick up another crew member, Mike, a doctor at Robin Tattersall’s clinic. Big dinner at Corsairs with everyone. Think we had 16 at the table. Lots of fun.
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Race day: Long day, light winds in the first race, much better in the second. The crew of Indigo moons us at one point, but couldn’t have meant it for Blue Moon as all we saw were a lot of WHITE moons, oh, and that “high pressure gal” on the bow. Saw her hanging at Soggy Dollar.
Race results previously posted. Halloween party at Foxy’s, awards ceremony, VISAR/JVDPS raffle, lots going on.
Early morning trip to White Bay on Sunday, just hanging out. Back to CGB .Check into Rhymers,got the Presidential Suite(well, room 31, nothing has changed since LBJ was in office). Heavy rains set in. Walk over to the Elm. Greeted with ‘You guys just come in from the boat? You’re soaked”. Uh, no. Just walked 25 or so feet from Rhymers. First TTOL moderated dinner I’ve ever attended. I think even Warlock would admit we were well behaved(well,kind of). Good food,good music, good friends. Couldn’t be better!
Head out in the morning for the trip home. STT airport is like a ghost town. Even Saildoggie makes it through security! Chris, Dave, Tom Garvey all there awaiting their flights. Our flight is called. Nope, no 1st class upgrade this time, but we did get to sit in the middle of 45 empty seats!!(I counted them).
Another 49 days til we’re back in the ilons!!
That’s my story and I’m sticking to it!