[Linked Image][Linked Image]<br>All smiles that is us after a great trip. About our 16th trip and everyone gets better. How comes even 17 days seems to short. So nice being with the one you love at a place you love. Some of the restuarants we ate were the same ones in the trip report of Philly and Bill and Regina and Dave. To beautiful couples whom we spend great times with chatting, eating relaxing and dancing all thanks to ttol on line. Also enjoyed meeting Butch and Kelly and Terry and Sue on the Tiko Tiko. We had a such a good time and actually ran the Tiko Tiko out of Absolute. The girls say that Bill made a heck of a waiter swimming back to shore and then out to the tiko to refill the drinks. He may be correct in wanting to retire and be a bartender. Restuarants, although there are many we do enjoy in Grand Case we chose not to eat on the street side of Grand Case this year. The cars and noise are taking away from the ambiance in our opinion. Did have a great dinner at La California, Lee's in Simpson bay was one of our favorite's that I do have to mention because it is the only place we went twice, the band was great. A new great find was Laylas in Sandy Ground. They are only open for dinner on Thursday and Friday. Setting is on the beach. You walk down a path through what seemed like a tropical jungle to a hut set in the sand. Dinner were very very reasonable. We had Grouper and Mahi Mahi it came grilled to perfection with potatoes rice, salad and vegtable. Bottle of french wine and I think our total bill came to $50. Great deal. Ate at La Rosa's also. It was very good but we felt rushed. Ain't it something when you kick into island time how you just want things to be slow and relaxing. Now the real find of the trip. From our local friends we have heard about this pirate restuarant in Grand Case behind the police station that we have always been a little chicken to try. The name is Repaire du Pirate. Well since it was Philly and Bill's last night and they wanted to try something differant. Suz and I looked at each other knowing Bill was a detective and asked if they wanted to go and try a recommendation that was given to us. They agreed so we met at talk of the town and walked down the street towards the police station. We then had to turn and walk down what was like an alley and saw this tarped looking building. Our instruction were to go to the door and knock three times. After we knocked a french girl yanked open the door and shouted at us in french. We said do you have room for 4 for dinner. She laughed and then yelled WHAT DO YOU WANT !!!!!. She looked us over and invited us in. The restuarant is set like your in a ship with benchs and life persurvers(spelling) scattered around. The roof is like a sail or tarp. It is open half way up so air flow is pretty good. I think the owner a french pirate came over and served us as close as we could decipher a welcome to his house drink. We then ordered a bottle of wine and picked from the specials on the black board. All dinners came grilled to perfection. We had filet of beef and Grouper and I think Philly and BIll had the same. Dinners came with salad and potatoes. Everyones was excellent. During dinner it started to rain and a drip came on the table. The owner quickly came over with his stick and propped up the sail so the rain would run off. TO FUNNY [Linked Image] After dinner our host came back with a jug of his home made brew. It was not Ma Dou Dou but some kind of sweet licquor. It was good. Out total bill for the 4 of us came to $105. Even the cook came over and had a salute with us. What a deal for a great dinner. We will definately go back. I just hope it does not change after this posting. Papagayos was also pretty good but Suz and I definately think they are shrinking the breakfast portions. The new menu is a little more pricey. Lunch was also good and we were not unhappy with dinner. What we were unhappy with as well as the waitresses is the new computer system. I think everyone who visits club O is going to miss Geena who is moving back to Holland. We're not to sure about the brother who is the new manager. He I think can have an attitude. Well time will tell. The computers? Willie told us the new rule is that if you check out of the Hotel they close your account out because you do not have a room number. That was one of the best things for us because although we do not spend the total time at club O We have always kept the account open at Papagayos and the boutique. We then never have to worry about money [Linked Image] no pockets. We're there so often and usually have friends staying at the hotel and at least once or twice stay for happy hour and then dinner on just on whim. I would never have to take credit cards or cash to the beach with us. If we needed something we would just sign. Also they are now requesting that when you pay you leave the tip in cash. Like we carry cash with us. Laura and Willie both seemed a little concerned that this may cost them quite a bit in tips. Also when I got home I looked at my card on line and they double billed me at the hotel and Papagayos from the last day. I'm sure its just new computer problems but I really hope they get it worked out before they lose good help. For anyone who new Barique he is now mananging a restuarant in Marigot called Ali Baba. We did not have a chance to check it out so if anyone checks it out please post. Beaches, Happy Bay was fantastic with Dave and Regina, great day great beach.. Bai Rouge still one of our favorites. Orient was great the first week a little to windy the second so we spent more time at Bai Rouge. I still think its funny to watch the boat people on Orient walking up and back with there mouths open. Cupecoy little sand and rocky. Ooh almost forgot. The last day we were there I got to meet the famous Contessa and the sword, they were relaxing down by the perch so we stopped to say hello. It was so nice to put names with faces. Contessa was just as candid as with her postings. It was nice meeting them. That's it for now. 11 more days till the Bare nescessities cruise.<br><br>KevSuz<br><br>