What's the current state? Last few times I was around, it was all but abandoned, then construction started a few years back. Up and running now as a Branson private resort? Still ok to anchor in the area? Can't go ashore, I assume...
Eighteen months ago I had a private tour of Moskito with the developer and some friends. At that time Sir Richards big house on the point was almost complete and being furnished. The smaller villas for the kids and guests were complete. The Branson "compound" seems to take up most of the east point and is done beautifully. As I understand there are a number of building lots available for private development. I heard the number 11 thrown about for the number of lots but it could be more or less. I have lots of photos but I don't feel comfortable sharing since I didn't ask permission to post. If you see me around the BVI just ask. I show you from my iPhone
So, are boats welcome to anchor in Drake's still? Any reason not to? The idea of anchoring off the east side of Moskito behind the reef is appealing because you get an unobstructed breeze but protected water.