I have the same issue with bringing lots of cash. Last April there was so much talk about TCs not being accepted across the island that we chose not to bring them, and once there, we discovered that most - but NOT ALL - of the places we frequented would have taken them. When we went back in Dec. I chose to bring TCs and really only had one place tell me they were no longer accepting them. I had no problem cashing them at LeGrand Marche and at both The Dunes and Casino Royale. My favorite island restaurant no longer accepts them and said it was because their bank won't, which I fully understand. Fortunately for me, my favorite jewelry store still does, much to DH's dismay. <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" />
I would be one who would strongly advocate a Capital One Credit Card or another of your choice that charges no annual and/or other associated cc fees, and provides you with either miles or cash back. It really does mount up during the course of the year. <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" />