Thank you, BandJ.

It's very possible the signs were always there in the 'other' Friars Baie lot and we just didn't notice them. But I will add that even lately we've often seen people off-loading lots of 'stuff' and parking there and then heading through the restaurant onto the beach and then off to Happy Bay. Yikes!! I always thought that was a particularly tacky thing to do but that's just my opinion.

We gave up on Happy Bay a long time ago, before the food and chair guy and the rhino riders became the norm and before it became such a destination point for so many, and back in the days when you could generally count on being one of the few if not the only ones there. Well, that's if you weren't including the occasional cows and/or goats, that is!!

We have always loved the food at FBBC and enjoy the serenity of that particular beach so no need for us to make the trek over the hill. <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" />



"Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat