I have read this entire thread several times now, with great interest and concern. I must admit that I was surprised to hear that, after a robbery that involved firearms, the restaurant stayed open and everyone, it seems, went back to their meals.

I have been robbed at gunpoint, while running a bank branch some years ago. The robber fired the gun into the ceiling over my head, mainly to get everyone's attention and to get the cash he wanted.

Of course, I closed the branch immediately, took stock of the situation, dealt with the police, etc. But the ongoing concern was for the staff. They were all very shaken up, some traumatized to a greater degree than others and counselling was needed for everyone.

When I read about the reaction following the restaurant hold-up, I wonder if today we have all become numbed, to a great extent, with regard to gun crimes, robbery, violence and crime in general. We hear about it every day in the news; it forms major content in TV shows and movies.

Perhaps the reaction from the restaurant staff and guests is just a sad reflection of the times we live in.