The docks up here are less protected generally than BEYC for sure. They can be a bit rolly (especially when windy), but they are not bad on an average BVI day.

We now have 20 mooring balls in Deep Bay (10 FCFC, 10 reservable BoatyBalls), but transparently they have never come even close to all filling up so you would be able to grab one anytime you want.

If it's blowing more than 20knots, it would be a long and wetish ride in the dinghy from the mooring field to Marina Village. Less than that, and you should be pretty comfy.

The Marina Village has the restaurant Nova, swimming pool and overwater hammocks. There is also a coffee shop and boutique shopping. And Deep Bay Watersports which does e-foil lessons and rentals. Also, the snorkeling in Eustatia Sound is pretty awesome if I do say so myself. Grab a slip, head out in the dinghy, and explore the reef.

Finally, Day Passes are also available to spend the day at the private Oil Nut Bay Beach Club. Day Passes are $195/person per day for adults, and $95/person per day for kids under 13.