We took an 8 am walk around Grand Case. Boy, is the traffic crazy around here at this time of day!

Today’s rain forecast was at 100%, but we decided to go to Orient anyway. We rented chairs at Orange Fever and the four of us split a cold bucket of beers for $15.00. Took a walk down to Club Orient, and there was quite a bit of seaweed in the water. That beach area at Orange Fever was perfect. We soaked in the ocean for a couple of hours and headed to Orange Fever for lunch.

Our friends ordered the French Burger and Wahoo Tartare and Marc and I ordered a Pepperoni Pizza and Pineapple Shrimp Salad. We were all happy with our meals, and the service we received from J.C. was great, as always. The skies opened up and it rained for a bit. After lunch we packed up and headed back to our apartment.

The rain finally stopped, and we were able to enjoy plenty of time in the pool.

Our friends wanted ribs, so we headed to the lolo’s for dinner. Cynthia's Talk of the Town did not disappoint. The ribs and potato salad were oh so good!

After dinner we walked over to Java, where the Facebook Food Porn group was dining out. It was great to see and give hugs to several people we knew. After two more drinks in Grand Case, we walked home. Lights were out at 9::30 p.m.

Attached Images
Orange Fever View.JPG Orange Fever Pepperoni Pizza.JPG Orange Fever Pineapple Shrimp.JPG


A smile is a curve that sets everything straight.