Ye, its just that most refundable tickets I see are only refunded in credit, or theres a refund fee. The ones that do refund in full back in cash cost $3-4k for a one way ticket, and idk if theres some hidden caveat to that, so I'd rather not take the risk for something that they might not even check and then be left with a 3-4k ticket that I'm not gonna use.
I've seen that legally all flights can be refunded within 24 hours of purchase, I've seen some airlines sites mention it too (though again idk if theres caveat, like its only in the US or something). My flight to SXM would be 7-8 hours, so I could probably purchase a return flight before leaving and then cancel when I land, or cancel as soon as I board if the inboarding airline checks. If nothing else I might do this, but still I would rather have a ticket thats according to the airline fully refundable.