Pyrat Pistol--as someone else said, make sure your person gets medical evac insurance, IF they can. This probably will fall under the category of pre-existing condition, which they may not be able to ensure against. They need to be extremely careful to make sure that they can a) get coverage that covers them outside the US at all and b) especially medical evac, as anywhere in the Caribbean is NOT a good place to deal with cardiac issues. If they can't get coverage for this condition, they need to think long and hard about whether they want to go, in my opinion.

If the person is on Medicare, they have ZERO coverage outside the US. (Assuming the person is from the US). If they have an advantage or a medicare supplement plan, have them check to see what their coverage is outside the US. Our personal supplement only covers 80% outside the US. The rest is deductible. For a heart condition, could be big bucks. And I honestly don't know whether my supplement covers medical evac or not, as we always buy trip insurance to cover that. They can check on TTOL sponsor Insure My Trip for trip insurance, but as I said, it may be difficult to get insurance that will cover a pre-existing condition. A lot of times, it only covers pre-existing if the insurance is purchased within a very short time after the trip is booked, like 7 days.

Carol Hill