I assume things have changed, but in 2015 (IIRC) I got some kind of small (gnat size) water-borne animal in my eye swimming from the Baths to the boat on the mooring. Throughout the trip to the marina at Spanish Town, my eye started to redden and bother me. I tried rinsing it out and it felt better. So the next morning we headed to Leverick. By the time we got there, the eye was getting in pretty bad shape (mind you, I am the only one who can sail the boat. I had explained to the rest of the "crew", if I had to stop they would need to drop the sails and motor). I asked for guidance at the hotel check in and they arranged a car rental and gave me directions to a clinic back in ST. I was able to drive there and a doctor looked at me, said something about "this isn't good. Glad you came in now before the infection spread to the other eye." He gave me a prescription eye drop and everything was good. We spent an extra day at Leverick and all ended up well.

Now, that wasn't life or death, but it was urgent care. I don't know if that clinic in ST is still there after Irma, but they did a good job back then.

I would guess that VG would still have some kind of clinic that could handle urgent issues.