LDB's actions are outrageous, and in my view, clearly illegal. Full disclosure, I purchased a home in Mahoe Bay precisely because its coral field prevents boats from getting too close the beach. I wanted such a property because while I want to emphasize that the vast majority of boaters respect the rules about not flushing their tanks close to shore, and maintain their vessels so that oil, fuel, and waste leaks don't occur, there are a very few that don't care and I want no part of that. However, I paid plenty for that spot precisely for that reason - but more to the point, I don't own the bay, and thus if a boat does anchor just outside of the coral field, while I'm not wild about it, I still have to live with it.

With regard to the facts of your encounter ("we were approached by a boat with a resort employee from the Rosewood ashore claiming that we weren't allowed to anchor inside the reef in 'their' bay."), I realize that you likely don't want to take the time, but perhaps a letter to the Tourism board, with a cc to editor of the BVI Beacon, the police on Virgin Gorda that asks if this is criminal mischief or harassment, or even piracy (yes, it arguably is), and including as another cc recipient the manager of LDB might quell such practices in the future.

Yes, it's scorched earth, but bullies tend to only respond to that level of pushback.

Last edited by Fitzhughlaw; 02/10/2023 12:30 PM.