Not posted here in a while, but have been sailing this week enjoying some new (to us) spots around the islands. Savannah Bay was just awesome, Lee Bay on Great Camanoe equally great... both good holding for anchors.

We also anchored for the morning one day in Little Dix Bay, tucked inside the reef to the left of the entrance. That was an interesting experience. Within 5 minutes we were approached by a boat with a resort employee from the Rosewood ashore claiming that we weren't allowed to anchor inside the reef in 'their' bay. I pointed out that it was a little pointless to anchor outside the reef, and also questioned the right of the shore resort to control who anchors in the bay and who doesn't. We weren't obstructing any resort ferry traffic, we were a decent distance off the beach - I would say 2 or 300 yards - so we weren't getting in the way of swimming resort guests. So - we stayed... we were planning to have breakfast there and think about what to do next after that.

An hour passed and another resort employee approached by boat and asked more 'politely' when we were planning to leave. It was clear we weren't welcome there so a short while later, once we finished breakfast, we pulled up the pick and moved to Savannah Bay instead, which was equally pleasant or better!

Anyone else experienced this type of welcome from the Rosewood Resort in Little Dix? It would seem to me that allowing a few sailing boats to anchor in their bay would be good for the income ashore, restaurants/bars/gift shops etc - but they seem to be very keen to dissuade that type of behavior.

Good to reconnect here!