@tradewinds - I used to train such officers in my previous life and doubt that they have any training, I've seen outrageously bad gun handling in the BVI before which would have resulted in officer suspension in other jurisdictions. There certainly isn't a training facility in the BVI. But I'm also not sure that they had full-automatic rifles, they might have been armed with semi-automatics as both types are identical except for the sear mechanism. Nonetheless it does seem overly heavy-handed as they already had overwhelming numbers and didn't need additional overwhelming firepower - unless they expected to encounter more than sleepy and hungover sailors.
There doesn't seem to be much middle ground when it comes to weapons here. It seems the officers are either unarmed or part of the ARV (armed response vehicle) team. I've been part of a routine traffic stop that included 2 officers with the semi or automatic rifles on each side of the vehicle and also seen them carry the same weapons into Omar's to pickup takeout food from the bar.