Trip Report - 1/28/21

Left St Louis a little late because of deicing. Arrived in Miami with enough time to "potty" and then get in line to board. Plane was about 40-50% full. We arrived in SXM a little late , sadly just after the Delta flight which put a bunch of people in line. Luckily, so to speak, we had scheduled a wheelchair for Betty to prevent long airport walks and standing in lines. That got us through immigration pretty quick. There was a bottleneck of people trying to show their covid test info. Immigration lines were pretty easy. Exited airport to see our friend, auto rental person,
Angela from Horizon Car Rentals waiting for us. Walked to car, signed our papers, let Angela take picture our driver's license and credit card and we were off.
Our first week we are staying at elZafiro at the top end of Simpson Bay beach. This year we got a first floor room, Turquoise . The past two years we have stayed upstairs in the Emerald room. The upstairs room seems a little bigger, but it is very nice to just open the slider and step out onto the deck/beach. The view from elZafiro is magnificent.
Dinner tonight was old standby favorites at St Maarten Yacht Club. Grouper Fingers and a Caesar Salad. With a first drink on Island of Captain and Coke and a Coke for Betty, the bill was $30.00 with no service included. Saw Jeff(DK Gems) there taking pictures of yachts and the full moon.
A stop at the casino on the way home left me up a little, Betty down.
Thanks to Jeannie @ SXM Shop n Drop, we had Chocolate Chip cookies in the room with a glass of milk for dessert.
A great bed and pillow for a long, restful night.[img]http://[/img]

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Next SXM visit -November 2023. Also January 2024.