If you have visited several times, then the very first thing you must decide is whether you wish to stay on the Dutch side, Sint Maarten, or the French side Saint-Martin. Once you have made that decision, then find someone familiar with THAT side of the island.
The mistake we made the first time we went was to take our TA's word for it that we "wouldn't like the French side." She knew nothing about it; she just substituted her own tastes for ours. Well, that was in 1995 and we have been back almost every year since then--on the French side.
Familiarize yourself with what each side offers and then, only then, after you decide which side you prefer look for a TA who is familiar with what is available for that side. That's my advice. Nonetheless, wherever you stay, consider that you're still not much of a drive away from the other side.
However, you should also be aware that the French side seems to be recovering from Hurricane Irma at a slower pace than the Dutch side, so bear that in mind. The town of Grand Case, the "culinary capital of the Caribbean," for example, is still nowhere near what it was pre-storm. So be sure any TA you select is up-to-date on SXM as it is and not on what it was. Of course, if you are not planning to visit for a year or more then all is subject to change.