Hello all, just stumbled across this post regarding boating in the Tampa area. Had a crazy idea, let me know if there’s interest. I am a certified sailor and have chartered my own boats in the British Virgin Islands. This winter/spring I was considering a charter out of St Petersburg FL, and I haven’t lined up any crew yet. The sailboat would be 35-40’ cruiser with 2 or 3 double berth quarters and room for maybe one more in the main salon. If two couples (five people max) would like to share expenses, I’d be happy to captain a cruise down the coast towards Sanibel. This would be a little vacation, 5-7 days. I have time off work I need to use before March 31. C/O no problem, I’ve spent time at Club O, Haulover, Paradise Lakes etc in my previous life before sailing took over all my free time. PM me if you’d like to discuss…