Return visit to Iguana bar tonight for happy. Very lively and enjoyed dinner from the snack menu - chicken wings and curly fries.. very, very good. Plus had a catch-up chat with Maggie.
Iguana seems to be doing a good job on picking up lots of customers for hh. Iguana full - Cptn Olivers dining almost empty. Kind of sad. Ali is doing a good job with the drinking crew. Still have 10 nites left and about 20 places we promised ourselves we would dine.
Most nites Iguana from about 6ish to 7 or so. Then the tough decision on where to go for a great meal. Did Rancho on the hill over Orient couple nites ago and had great lamb chops, was one of the specials of the nite. I cannot believe how fast the time is flying by. Will need 7 weeks next year.
Norm, we are such creatures of habit, we have stayed in the Oyster Pond area in the evening. When we have gone out in the last week we have tried Iguana, Captain Olivers buffet, Daniels, Mr. Busby's and BZH. On our to do list are Dreams, 12 Meter Yacht Club, Green House, Lotterie Farm, Al Dente and perhaps a visit to Grand Case.