If she is hugely obese. wide bodied, mean looking, eyes like daggers, demeaning, and perpetually angry, and looks like she would toss you in the local bastille. or leap over the counter and pound the goon dog be-dickins our of you, or just not allow you to come it.....maybe that Cruz Bay customs woman we were blessed with has transferred to STT. Hmmm, unless that is due to their U.S.V.I - C and I drill instructors . Although, encountering all those fun filled , happy tourists everyday, that would be a hard career for any one.
We will heed your local knowledge, and definitely stand clear of Montgomery. and casually get into another line.
My world famous Irish Charm done fizzled out that particular day in Cruise Bay.
Never fear, we'll give er another go, this coming may at STT. maybe the cold Red Stripe offering might put a happy slant on the situation.
Naw, they would bust my bones, and toss me into the deep dungeon for bribery . Think I will drink the Red Stripe myself , before getting in line. .It could be my last.