Excuse me ruralcarrier, <img src="http://www.traveltalkonline.com/forums/images/graemlins/Clapping.gif" alt="" /> <img src="http://www.traveltalkonline.com/forums/images/graemlins/handshake.gif" alt="" /> but I 1000% agree with your stance, absolutely being a teacher in this day & age no matter where you are has taken on more of its share of difficulties, taking into consideration the tech world being melded into our children/grandchildren's every day way of life it's so obvious that these impressionable children are more attuned to a tablet screen than the voice of education standing alone in front of them. I don't nor have I ever envied the position any teacher is in, more often than not, nowadays they are more babysitter than educator thru no fault of their own. A lot of people desperately need to understand there is a time & place for Unions to stand their ground and once again in my opinion, there is also a time & place to embrace the chance to step up, come on an xtra hour & a half seriously. And for the record I was in a Labor Union for 45 years, 23 of those as a Union Steward. And again what happened on the Island is of no fault of any living being, but when will people put other people ahead of themselves, I wonder.