Carol, we stand corrected, you were 100% right. The units you listed have been renovated! And they look rather nice. Marilyn tooks us inside #8 today and showed us around (we are the only ones here at present). They have the new counters in the kitchen where the windows were, they removed the slider and enclosed the atrium with two sky lights.
What confused us was we were following the conversation on 5/1/17 about BSV with Pat and there was mention of the grills being placed outside. There are no grills outside at the present time, and our villa is the same as last time. We found out today how that will work. Marilyn explained when people check in, they will return the grill back into the old atrium where it use to be. If you wish to grill out, just roll it out onto the patio and grill. When your done you can either return the grill back to the atrium, or have it remain on the patio. Sorry about the confusion! Our time here so far has been an absolute dream!