We chartered in May in 2015 & 2016 and loved it. Great weather, everything open so it didn't feel 'out of season'.

The first year we were there at the same time as the MIT hooligans but they didn't bother us at all, in fact we quite enjoyed Soggy Dollar with them! Good people just out for a good time. Just as long as you don't mind loud country music being played late into the night! And its easy enough to find their itinerary and avoid them if they do bother you.

A lot of people on this thread seem to be saying that May is a quiet time. We Chartered in January this year and didn't find it any busier than May to be honest. There just seemed to be a different ratio of privately owned yachts vs charter fleets.

We haven't been in November for about a decade...so can't really comment but would highly recommend May!