My wife and I live in NJ and visit St Martin 3-4 times a year and always stay in Orient Beach. We are almost empty nesters and look forward to selling our home. We always thought we'd eventually end up in Florida but have yet to find an area in Florida we like and talked about buying a place in SXM instead but really didn't take it seriously out of fear of hurricanes as well as being outside of the US (namely healthcare concerns) for a prolonged period of time.
I think we've come around to the fact that there is truly no area that is safe from storms, etc and life happens.
We therefore would are entertaining the idea of keeping our beach house on the Jersey Shore, selling our main home in Northern New Jersey and investigating buying a place in SXM that we'd use of say 7-8 months per year.
While this sounds great on paper, we are totally ignorant as to the issues involved such as State taxes, healthcare, citizenship versus residency, and whether the French or Dutch side offers better alternatives for Americans. I am a planner by nature and don't want to make a decision based solely on the price of the unit and our love of the Island.
Would appreciate any direction any one can provide to help address issues like this. Thanks in advance.