Anyone know what the population of SXM is? Wondering how the crime rate compares to a comparably sized city in the U.S.? Would this sort of crime even be covereed by the media in the U.S.? And could we count on American parents to react the same way that the SXM ones did? Not trying to be provocative here - just trying to establish some personal perspective.
To be clear, I am no expert on SXM, but I don’t think that it’s useful, or realistic to compare the crime rate of any country to a comparably-sized city in the US. The level of violent crime on SXM is unique to the island, even as compared to other destinations in the Caribbean. I think that the current heightened level of violent crime being reported - and shared on this forum - will drive the sharing of any crime reports, including purse snatching involving visitors being injured…
Your question on American parents’ reactions is rhetorical, or unanswerable, of course.