That's a good duration to take in the BVI while leaving Anegada for next time, cause there WILL be a next time!
I'd advise you not to make the full moon party a priority because it forces you to be in a certain spot at a certain time, which can affect the day before and after. Because:
Weather (and/or north swell) will likely pin you down for a couple of days. The best spots to hunker down are North Sound and The Bight. From the North Sound, via taxi, you can explore the rest of the island and particularly The Baths, which SHOULD be a priority to see on a non-cruise ship day. Also there are lots of other places in the North Sound: Leverick, Saba, BEYC, Prickly Pear, beach activities, snorkeling...
When you pick up a mooring, have two people on the bow. One has a boathook and snags the pennant and hands the eye to the second person and then gets out of there. The second person immediately runs the end of a dockline, which the other end is already cleated, through the eye and hand over hands it to quickly bring the eye close to the cleat and cleats it (on the same side of the boat). Now you are secure and you can run the other dockline around and back and ease them both off, all while the wind is blowing the bow around. For the helmsman, line up on the mooring and slowly approach, making a lot of last minute course changes usually doesn't work. Bail out and circle around, everyone watching will see you know what you're doing. This entire procedure should be done with no yelling, all you need to hear is "Made!" when the first line is secure.
The main rule after pleasant greetings as mentioned above is don't be in a hurry and don't have a schedule...Island time!😊