We sailed from BVI to St. Croix 5 or 6 years ago. Never got an okay from Moorings as far as I recall. We knew there would be no chase boat support and we had a few issues to deal with (including a broken traveller). We cleared in at St. John, stayed a night at that anchorage near STT after a couple nights around St thomas, then off we went. It was a fantastic sail and we loved Christiansted (stayed one night there (crowded anchorage) and spent 3-4 nights at Buck Island (not to be missed! -- permit required to anchor there which we got at the NPS office in town....I think you can get a permit now online). Sailed west to Salt Bay one day, but decided not to stay....hot muggy, buggy and unmarked VERY shallow entrance...hit sand a few times coming in. Sailed back to Norman Island on a nice beam reach. Cleared back in to BVI the next day at Spanish Town (memory is hazy on that, tho). Then up to Anagada. It was an amazing 2-week trip. I think we did a total of 300NM. Next time we get a 2+ -week window we plan to do the BVI - SVI - St. Croix - BVI trip.