Hi there. I'm wondering where you get your information, sxmmartini.

Everything I have read is that the land is owned by the Copropriété de la Baie Orientale (for simplicity, Club Orient). For it to become public property the government would have to expropriate it and I think we would have heard if that happened.

The beach is and always has been public property and is under the purview of the Coastal Conservancy which has granted Cedrick the right, for a fee, to run a beachfront operation renting chairs and umbrellas.

A few years ago, the Coastal Conservancy required that the structure Randy built for the Perch Bar and Grill be moved from the beach and it was moved, with permission from the Copropriété to their property. It isn't on the beach.

As for the parking, I'm not sure where exactly you mean. Parking in front of the Club Orient chalets is clearly on Club Orient property.

Since Cedrick and Randy both have agreements with Copro (Club Orient/Copropriété de la Baie Orientale), I don't think that they can exactly be considered squatters.

I also object to the use of the term "squatters" as that is disparaging to two legitimate business owners who have done a great job of keeping the beach usable for naturists.

Sure, maybe Cedrick's chairs aren't all padded (not that I think that's an advantage with wet bums and lotion) but they are far better than sitting on the towel on the sand or carting in chairs.

And there is widespread agreement that Randy's Perch Bar and Grill is a great place for food and drinks.

If you have new information (not gossip or rumour) to add, please do so. I'm sure we all prefer to have facts rather than speculation.