Headed down in two weeks. I have researched Big Beards and private with Lewellen. There are four of us and the cost is the same. Is Big Beard better if two of us are not very experienced. I like the idea of a lesson first but like the idea of the sailboat and small group. Any advice?
Have done both and they are both nice but very different. My preference is Lewellyn as I love to sail and loved the small group. He does a snorkeling lesson as well (at least he did for us and maybe this is required as we were experienced) and I am sure if your group was nervous he would do as much as needed. If your group are not sailors they may like Big Beards better. They sail part of the time depenging on condtions and the schedule. Lewellyn sails the whole time as there is no engine on the boat! So it really depends on what you are looking for, but my vote is for Lewellyn! <img src="http://www.traveltalkonline.com/forums/images/graemlins/Joy.gif" alt="" />