StormJib said:
It is never good judgement for a parent or group leader to ever put young people on anything like a scooter far from home and the healthcare they know. On Anegada the roads and not just unfamiliar they are terrible. Putting anyone on a scooter risks the safety of the young person and the trip for everyone else. Can they be fun sure. Can the immature and inexperienced created a real mess. You Bet! Double all that on Anegada or any remote place.
I think parents are capable of accessing their own kids' abilities. We've rented several times on Anegada and our teenager showed responsible, competent behavior. It was a positive experience that we plan to do again.
Some would say taking your kids on a sailboat, in the ocean, where water is over their head and weather can come up at any time is also irresponsible.
