So this morning after the delicious pastries we ordered from the mini-market at Belair arrived, we headed off to the Butterfly Farm and really enjoyed the experience. I thought it was going to be boring but was pleasantly surprised to find the guides to be very interesting and entertaining.
Orient Beach was our next stop for some chicken and ribs at Pedro's before spending the afternoon at Club O. Pedro's was very good and we arrived at the right time. We got a beachfront table outside before the lunch crowd filled the place.
Club O....well, in all my research, I missed the explanation of how things work at Club O! We walked down to Papagayo's and did not see anyone from Club O so we asked a guy walking the beach about finding two chairs. He told us just pick two chairs and the Club O guy will find us. Sounded reasonable to us so we found 6 chairs on the front row that were totally abandoned (we thought) and placed our towels on two chairs, disrobed and headed for the water. No sooner do we get in the water and there is a couple standing at "our" chairs looking upset. Back to the chairs I go and apologized for taking their chairs and promptly moved my stuff to two chairs that really were available and not in the front row

To the folks whose chairs we borrowed for a short time, I am sorry. For all the other people around that watched us set up camp and couldn't be bothered to help out a couple of newbies, thanks for nothing!
So now we know how it works. For anyone else reading this and contemplating your first visit to Club O's beach, look for colored tags on the head end of the beach chairs. If there are tags, the chair has been taken for the day. No tags means fair game. Set up your stuff and the Club O beach attendant will find you and collect the appropriate fee for the chairs.
The Club O beach is really nice. The water was warm, the sand was soft. We met a few nice people too.
Tomorrow we plan to have breakfast at La Sucriere and then we are headed to Cupecoy Beach for the rest of the day. Back to Belair for the BBQ.
Except for the Club O issue, SXM is great!