I'll start off by saying what a pleasant surprise to find the amount of information on this forum. What a great group of people I've found. I'm getting to Tortola on the 13th of May. Rent a jeep and stay at Long Bay Beach Club 1 night. Tour the island and self provision the boat on the 14th. We will be eating a shore most days. Sleep aboard the boat at Hodges marina that evening. Hope to get an early start on the 15th(day 1). A little worried about grabbing a mooring ball at Cooper Island from what I've read. I will head straight there from Hodges after are briefing. Snorkel Cistren than dinner ashore. Day 2- Rendezvous dive 8:30am with SailCaribbean, wreck of the Rhone. Onto Leverick bay, slip for 2 nights(Nicks the man) Dinner at the resort. (Day 3)Rental car to explore VG and Baths,dinner at ?. Next day (4) To the Dogs and stop somewhere for lunch?? On the way to Jost. Grab a mooring in Great Harbor, taxi around? Day (5) spend 1st part of day at Jost than off to Norman to snorkel the caves / Indians. Grab a ball, eat at the bight. Day 7 is up in air?? Possibly Sprag at Peter island? Any input is very much appreciated as this is my honeymoon and want to make it super special. With a good mix of land activity and time on the boat. Thank you, Jeff