Hike all done and ready to depart again . Another gorgeous day as we leave the bite …Peter Island bound this fine morning.

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All the balls at the Indians are full – its much more busy this week leading up to the Easter weekend.
All secure late afternoon in time for a little swim then happy hour before another scrumptious BBQ aboard . Lots of balls in here ( I would guess at least 20) they have added some since our last visit. Find a good anchor spot and fetch up nicely – why pay for a ball when you can anchor for free right ?
Not the best sunset spot ever but we enjoyed the show just the same.

Another quiet evening and early to bed- sure getting rested up this trip.

Morning brings goat serenade and pelican diving with morning coffee in the cockpit- always love the peace and quiet and sounds of the ilons. Time to check out Peter. Land our dinghy and secure to a tree..

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So calm and peaceful in here. Lots of evidence of the local fishery.

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In for a walk through the mangroves and an explore of Peter Island resort.

Conrad’s house still has conch shells for sail- never met the guy but I hear he was quite the character.

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Sprat Bay has a few mooring balls and visitors this morning.

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Opposite a huge construction site so not my thing but to each his own. Peter Island resort continues to be under construction in the dock area. Loud and stinky . Had a nice walk out to the beach area….so pretty here.

Off in the distance...15 men on deadman's chest..yo ho ho and a bottle of rum...ARRR

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Ok walk over with and muscles stretched – time to go see another pricey resort- Scrub Island….a first for us so very excited. The weather and water was frisky and bumpy and we needed to charge batteries so a motoring we will go with a bit of main for stability.

Arrive early afternoon only to find another boat ahead of us circling waiting for instructions to come into dock. Robert and Linda on Hallucinations would join us shortly . OK folks - Our 3 monohulls don’t take up that much space compared to the mega yachts in there but be darned if they could organize to let us in . We circled for well over an hour waiting for them to “ fetch guests” to get them off the dock for those of us who had reservations.

As Robert explained in early posts the wind was a howling and it was a challenging maneuver to get into those close quarters. Savio helped us in safely

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. My main goal was to take advantage of the shuttle over to the Full Moon Party at Trellis later in the evening. I am not a big fan of the concrete jungle type of place ….but once we got settled calmed our nerves and had a drink we were anxious to go exploring. Dharma is here so hoping to find fellow TTOLer Kristine ( suburbandharma) and Doug ( gone fishin) somewhere.

Here comes Robert finally – he must have circled for at least another ½ hour. Very nice job getting into that squeaker of a space. Over to catch up and say hi- so great to see you again.

Up next to check out the pool and relax a bit…
It is concrete but very pretty in here.



As we get settled with our towels and things I hear a voice from the hot tub…is your name Kim? Yes but how the heck do you know me? Its Doug and Kristine…how cool is this!! Introductions all around. Meeting folks in person from TTOL is amazing…I really think all sailors are cut from the same cloth – so friendly and outgoing.

Relaxed away the afternoon in the hot tub and infinity pool. Lots of families with young children enjoying the lower pool and water slide. The place is packed with boats and we actually heard them turning away folks while we were circling waiting for our slip. Not sure if it is this busy every month at Full Moon? . Families from Puerto Rico on Easter break around everywhere this week.

All cleaned up, diner aboard then board the shuttle FMP bound. Have only been to Trellis Full Moon party once about 5 years ago- wow things have gotten bigger and better.


A couple of bands playing, lots of little kiosks set up with thing to buy , two separate beach BBQs. We got some drinks at the Trellis Market bar and the BBQ they were offering looked really good. Found a great spot to perch on a turned over boat next to the beach opposite the stage- thinking the jumbies will perform here shortly. Yup we are right- the perfect vantage point to watch the show …they would later light the fire balls just down the beach from us…so glad I am up wind from this stuff.


Robert and Linda would join us with their guests including their two young children who are having a ball. I am sure they will have a trip of a lifetime. Jumbies entertaining as usual, and fire balls fizzling so time to head back – the last shuttle is at 10:45 . Ward and I sat outside on the bow enjoying the moonlight and marveling at the number of boats squeezed in Trellis Bay and Marina Cay. Loaded dinghies everywhere headed back to their boats. Nice to be safely on the shuttle and letting someone else navigate their way home. Another fun filled day comes to an end with nightcaps in the cockpit.

Morning walk around Scrub gives way to beauty all around us.





Later got a lift over to the North side beach…also very pretty.


$25.00 for two drinks …pricey yes but also delicious.


All in all, although the start of our visit here was stressful, I really enjoyed it….will I go back - not likely, it was pricey but it was very convenient for FMP . Been there done that and crossed it off the list, didn’t get a chance to snorkel diamond reef as planned but will likely Moore at Marina Cay next time…haven’t been there in years .

bye bye scrub...


Sadly our two week adventure is soon coming to a close…one more installment to make before wrap up…stay tuned
