Credit cards are accepted most places on Anegada. The only places that do not accept them are Flash of Beauty, the gasoline station, and any of the small grocery shops. Big Bamboo will accept credit cards, but will not allow tips to be on a credit card - cash only for tips.

No place on Anegada accepts American Express.

Gasoline is a serious issue here right now. The gasoline station has not had fuel for two weeks, and there seems to be no idea when they might. They have apparently lost their ability to purchase gasoline from Tortola due to non-payment for past deliveries.

We are now getting fuel from a barge that comes once a week (Thursday or Friday night), and brings a fuel truck over. You have to go to the dock while the barge is there. The truck cannot deliver fuel direct to a vehicle. You have to have your own container(s) to accept fuel from the truck and then transfer it to your vehicle yourself. The charge has been $5/gallon - cash only.

Walker Mangum
Cow Wreck Beach, Anegada