TackingAg, we do sleep aboard and we've made the point of asking to get going first thing in the morning. The guys that do checkout and sail check have been happy to get an early start. We get the inventory done on arrival day, really more of a "where is everything" exercise.

We usually stop at one of St. John's north shore or south shore bays. If its south shore, we put the sails up and head towards the south drop and get fishing lines in the water. If we're headed to the north shore or Jost we sail to Current Cut if we can, otherwise the sails go up after Current Cut.

The sail from Current Cut to Jost is usually just awesome, a single tack through the gap between Lovango and Rata Cays. Maho Bay and Leinster Bay St. John require a tack head around Johnson Reef.

Just describing it gets me excited. We're back in 18 days.

Cheers, RickG

Last edited by RickG; 02/16/2016 07:46 PM.