I'm thinking, unbeknown to either of us, we 'shared a few lunches' there back in December when they still had the very limited menu so good to hear they've expanded it and offering breakfast makes it even better! As I recall December, they hadn't quite finished the bar then but were very close, and the lunch menu board only had 4-5 offerings but they were all very good, particularly the Caesar Salad!
I do want them to succeed and do well but, truthfully and perhaps selfishly, I hope they don't reach the Karakter level of popularity. Too many beach loungers too close together and music played too loud take some of the pleasure away, but that's just my personal opinion. I guess there are those who enjoy being that close on the beach but we don't count ourselves in that category.<img src="http://www.traveltalkonline.com/forums/images/graemlins/handshake.gif" alt="" /> <img src="http://www.traveltalkonline.com/forums/images/graemlins/handshake.gif" alt="" />