this past weekend we started looking for airfare for our return to SXM/SBH next late december...when i searched for only 1 one-way BF/FC ticket, the rate was $678...when i looked for 2 tix, the price jumped to $942/each...apparently because there was only 1 seat available at the lower $678 fare, the system wanted to charge us both at the higher $942 fare when buying 2 (instead of charging 1 seat at the lower price and one at the higher)

i went ahead and put the one cheap seat on 24 hour "hold"...during that time i kept checking to see if any other seats got released at the cheaper fare...not only did they not release anymore cheap seats, the fare eventually jumped to $1,900+ with a note saying "Only 2 seats left"!!! <img src="" alt="" />

so last night just before the 24 hour hold expired, i went ahead and bought the 1 cheap seat...telling my wife she'd most likely be riding in the back of the bus <img src="" alt="" /> ...but then this morning i check, and see they had released 2 more seats at the lower fare, so i quickly snatched one up for the wife <img src="" alt="" />

so when shopping airfares, sometimes it's interesting to compare what fare you get when searching for 1 ticket vs. multiple tix...and obviously timing is everything...fares jump around like crazy (day to day, and even hour to hour), and it's really hard to predict when to buy and when to we basically have a price range we're willing to pay, and when we see fares within that range, we grab 'em

now we still have to buy our return tix when they become available <img src="" alt="" />