Nothing in CGB is very far off the beach. It would not hurt my feelings or sensibilities in the least to have to wear my flip-flops to cross the narrow strip of roadway that exists at CGB to access the beach, I probably walk just as far from my back door to my car at home, and half of the year that is through snow.
Being of generally the same age, I'd probably prefer to have some buffering distance from late evening entertainment, even if it may be quite GOOD entertainment. If I'm done by 9 or 10 PM, I'm done. Old farts still have fun, sometimes we just don't make every day a marathon.
One thing that happens in CGB, as well as other places in the islands, is that the roosters DO wake you up early regardless of what time you went to bed.
Everything in CGB is close enough to the beach to have sand between your toes.