Our flights were one way down on Delta, and one way back on American. We had to prove the return flights when checking in for our Delta flight at DCA. They requested the confirmation code to verify we were coming back, so thank goodness it was all in the iPhone. Flew DCA to JFK where they required gate checking carry-on luggage. Hubby gave his up, I did not. Delta proceeded to break his carry-on and we have submitted a damage claim for that. Flight from JFK into SXM was probably the earliest we've ever arrived. Landed by 12:25pm, Lesley met us with the rental car, went to Royal Palm to buy a SIM card from Sharon's store, stocked up on a few groceries (while one of us stayed with the car and luggage), then we were in our room at the Towers by 1:30! Rum punches and hellos at the pool for my "ahhhhh, I'm here" moment. Early dinner at Pizza Pasta (always my first), early to bed....waking up at Zero-Dark-Thirty and gate running at JFK really takes it out of you.
We didn't plan to eat out as much as usual during this two week trip, though we still did a fair share. I cooked in the condo a lot (which I enjoy!), and shopped at many of the grocery stores. I prefer the French side stores like Simply (sauces, frozen ratatouille!) and Super U (hint: shop the "edges"...produce, meat, wine, cheeses). Grand Marche was good for random "American" ingredients I needed like buttermilk or cottage cheese. Maho Market was perfect for grabbing water, creamer, a baguette, or a forgotten bottle of wine.
Though we stay on the Dutch side, somehow during this trip we spent most of our days on the French side. We did manage a shopping day in Philipsburg, a sailing day in Simpson Bay from KimSha, and a day at Karakter. We did not experience (or see any) gendarme traffic stop issues leaving Orient, even though we were there 7 or 8 days, and left the beach at 4:30 or 5:00. Both Sunday's were spent at Kakao, and it was lovely to be among the French families enjoying themselves. "Joie de Vivre"
One of those days we enjoyed front row beach chairs next to a pair of off duty gendarmes and their dates/wives. Coming home one day we did experience a traffic back-up at one of the rotaries near Marigot, but it appeared they were looking for someone, and it was not a major inconvenience....certainly nothing compared to Beltway rush hour traffic!
We stopped at Rainbow in Grand Case for a TiPunch (only $3!) on the first Sunday to watch the sunset coming 'home' from Orient. Perhaps because of full moon tides they had no beach! One row of chairs is all there was room for on that day. Later the next week we spent a day at Rainbow, and the beach was back.
Thank goodness!
While eating at Kakao, "there arose such a clatter"....the metal bands on the coconut trees didn't keep this determined dude from making his way up, and he was huge!
![[Linked Image]](http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x258/RockGoddess-L/SXM%20Oct-Nov%202015%20-%20both%20cameras/413A9AA0-8C08-47E2-847A-EE6011621DC5_zpsactyk6z0.jpg)
In Simpson Bay near Jimbos and Zee Best, there is a new restaurant "Connie's" with a Canadian chef. She will be serving up home style sandwiches and home made soups, along with poutine.
![[Linked Image]](http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x258/RockGoddess-L/SXM%20Oct-Nov%202015%20-%20both%20cameras/B3B767C8-33CB-4B15-962F-AD03D669A610_zpsyklab4vq.jpg)
Super U had affordable pumpkins and I couldn't resist buying one to carve and light for the balcony. We had to explain to the staff why Americans do this, and what we do with the innards.
![[Linked Image]](http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x258/RockGoddess-L/SXM%20Oct-Nov%202015%20-%20both%20cameras/CD629744-8478-4E1B-8658-7A2C12C4F34E_zps23vozbrj.jpg)
Made the hike up to Ft. Louis. The 360° views are spectacular. It was a Sunday, and we could hear a marching band down in Marigot clear as a bell. Memorable experience.
![[Linked Image]](http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x258/RockGoddess-L/SXM%20Oct-Nov%202015%20-%20both%20cameras/36A8A3CC-422A-4826-9013-2C8A7A57B839_zps7ngyihzz.jpg)
![[Linked Image]](http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x258/RockGoddess-L/SXM%20Oct-Nov%202015%20-%20both%20cameras/3B945E9A-AF07-42C8-9452-8F14D13E49D0_zpshviwyugf.jpg)
![[Linked Image]](http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x258/RockGoddess-L/SXM%20Oct-Nov%202015%20-%20both%20cameras/1656A05F-6228-4EC4-9C47-0B2B80D86A87_zps8cqcafng.jpg)
![[Linked Image]](http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x258/RockGoddess-L/SXM%20Oct-Nov%202015%20-%20both%20cameras/C299E7C4-075B-455A-A64E-74F920BB3AFD_zpse1ahpiwg.jpg)
After the climb up to the fort, it was time to be fed. Definitely earned my Beef Wellington and bottle of wine.

![[Linked Image]](http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x258/RockGoddess-L/SXM%20Oct-Nov%202015%20-%20both%20cameras/F6AD569F-7A3A-4BA8-A64D-C0B55C813B07_zpsmcokbnix.jpg)
![[Linked Image]](http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x258/RockGoddess-L/SXM%20Oct-Nov%202015%20-%20both%20cameras/2C1FD82A-B5BE-4610-9DCB-94E68BD1BFEA_zpskd4pvfnk.jpg)
Karakter has new chairs, pads, and umbrellas! These had definitely been needed. We spent a day here, and also came back another morning for breakfast. Their Portuguese Karakter (3 egg omelette, basically Spanish) was very good, but huge. Leftovers went home with us.
![[Linked Image]](http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x258/RockGoddess-L/SXM%20Oct-Nov%202015%20-%20both%20cameras/DSC06993_zpssaxynbsk.jpg)
The Captain Hodge Wharf in Philipburg has a sign in memory of Officer Benjamin. There was definitely increased security and patrols. Bike officers were wearing bullet proof vests. We had lunch on the boardwalk at Barefoot Cafe and observed that they would take water breaks from the heat, and then head back out on patrol.