We started out by visiting Anguilla for day trips. A friend showed us how to take the public ferry over. We have been in love ever since! We have also done a day trip via a catamaran trip but not what we wanted. Once we get to Anguilla we take a taxi to Shoal Bay East. Finally, we decided to try some over nighting and LOVE it! For a day trip, unless you want to spend most of your time in a taxi, you should just choose one beach. (Maybe you will decide in the future to return!) If you choose to do more than one beach you will have to arrange with the driver to pick you up. Shoal Bay East is great as is Mead's Bay. I don't recommend renting a car just for a day especially if you want to just relax and enjoy some island drinks!

As far as sea-sickness, I am sometimes prone. I get anxious on boats on a good day! The crossing is short (20-25min) and like other posters said choose a calm day. I also know that paradise awaits on the other end. I sometimes use Bonine or drops I bought online called Motion Eaze (you just put a drop or 2 behind your ear).

Besides bringing your passport (KEEP it in a safe place on the beaches) you will need to bring CASH for the return trip. I have seen many people who arrive on the island and because ATMs are few and far between and most places have a CC limit they go into panic mode. We always pay cash for the departure from Anguilla as well as the ferry and the taxis. I'm not sure if they even take a CC- but perhaps others know.

Happy planning!!

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