Many, many years ago, we too were contacted by our charter company to head straight for Peter Island and head into their small harbor. Once there, the wind hit us so hard that metal trash cans were flying through the air. The guys jumped off our charter boat hoping to pull us into a side-tie but the wind was too strong so I had to use the back & forth engine method to get us close enough. By that time, the sharp rain felt like bullets against our skin. Once secure, the four of us, dripping wet, met below. Minutes later, the marina staff knocked on our haul telling us that the last boat that side-tied to this dock during serious weather ended up ON the dock so we had to move. We tied ourselves from bow to stern in a "V" shape and had to use our dinghy just to get from the boat to the dock for the next two days. Having said that, what great memories we have of that adventure. We survived to tell this story over and over again.