Nice trip report. I am happy that you had a great dinner at the wonkey dog. We had dinner there the first week it opened and probably made the first recommendation.

In critiquing your itinerary, I wonder if you could have skipped the St. John stop? It would have saved a night in usvi. On the way east, instead of banging your way into the wind for 8 hours, sail to st croix and overnight there. That might be 1 tack. Next day sail straight north to sopers hole. I read that recommendation in cruising world in the last year.

Culebra and culebrita are pretty. I love both places. We too found the customs officer really friendly in svi.

How did you manage getting out of the dingy in Esperanza? It's quite a climb out of the dinghy up onto the dock.

I have never looked for the hiking trail on salt island. Where do you pick it up?

Last edited by warren460; 07/12/2015 05:51 AM.

Warren S/V Scuba Doo
Lagoon 50 (winner of best crewed yacht under 55 feet at the St. Thomas crewed yacht boat show).